Advanced Topics

This document contains some information about the more advanced aspects of ArgoDSM.

Allocation Parameters

All the allocation functions available in ArgoDSM are function templates that accept three sets of template parameters.

  1. The type to be allocated (required)
  2. Allocation parameters (optional)
  3. Constructor argument types (optional)

The first set consists of exactly one parameter, which is the type to allocate and potentially initialize. The second set consists of values of type argo::allocation, which allow the user to alter the behavior of the allocation function. The third set consists of the types of the constructor arguments, and it’s best left blank, as the compiler can deduce it automatically.

Other than the template parameters, the allocation functions also accept constructor arguments, when applicable. Specifically, the single object allocation functions accept constructor arguments, while the array allocation functions do not. Instead, they accept the size (in elements) of the array. This resembles the C++ new expressions, where it is not possible to initialize a whole array with a single value.

As mentioned earlier, the allocation functions can also initialize the allocated space, based on the type allocated. This is done for both the single and the array allocations, but not for all cases. Specifically, if the allocated type is of TrivialType then it will not be initialized, unless constructor arguments are provided. For example:

int *a = argo::new_<int>();  // Not initialized
int *b = argo::new_<int>(0); // Initialized

In addition to the initialization of the allocated memory, the collective allocation functions can also act as a synchronization mechanism between the different threads. This is achieved through the argo::barrier function, and the synchronization is implied if initialization also takes place. In the case of the dynamic allocation functions, synchronization is never performed.

Which brings us to the allocation parameters mentioned above. It is possible for the user to alter the behavior of the allocation functions by passing the appropriate allocation parameters. It is possible to explicitly enable or disable both the initialization and the synchronization that each function might perform, with the exception that the dynamic allocation functions ignore the synchronization arguments. For example:

int *a = argo::new_<int, argo::allocation::initialize>();     // Initialized
int *b = argo::new_<int, argo::allocation::no_initialize>(0); // Not initialized

The deallocation functions work similarly to their allocation counterparts, only some of the allocation parameters are named differently, as instead of initialization, destruction is performed. So, instead of accepting argo::[no_]initialize they accept argo::[no_]deinitialize. Also, only one function argument is accepted, and that is the pointer to the memory that will be deallocated.

Virtual Memory Management

To manage the virtual address space for ArgoDSM applications, we acquire large amounts of virtual memory. There are currently three ways to acquire the underlying memory for ArgoDSM, and exactly one must be selected at compile time:

  1. POSIX shared memory objects (-DARGO_VM_SHM)
  2. memfd_create syscall (-DARGO_VM_MEMFD)
  3. anonymous remappable memory (-DARGO_VM_ANONYMOUS)

Each version has its own downsides:

  1. POSIX shared memory objects are size-limited and require /dev/shm support.
  2. memfd_create requires Linux kernel version of 3.17+ and memory overcommit.
  3. anonymous remappable memory has a runtime overhead, and relies on kernel functionality that is deprecated since Linux version 3.16.

For now, the default is to use POSIX shared memory objects.

Data Allocation Policies

ArgoDSM has a variety of page placement policies to choose from, in order to distribute the globally allocated data across the different nodes of a cluster machine. Currently, the total number of memory policies is five, namely naive, cyclic, skew-mapp, prime-mapp, and first-touch. The default memory management scheme is naive. The naive policy will use all available memory (physical) contributed to the global address space from the first node, before using the next node’s memory. Running a memory intensive program under this memory policy, it is a good practice for the Argo global memory size to match the size of the globally allocated data, in order for pages to be equally distributed across nodes and avoid bottlenecks.

The cyclic group of memory policies, which consists of cyclic, skew-mapp, and prime-mapp, spreads memory pages over the memory modules of a cluster machine following a type of round-robin distribution, thus balancing memory modules’ usage, improving network bandwidth, and easing programmability, since whatever size is provided to the initializer call argo::init does not affect the placement of data. The cyclic policy distributes data in a linear way, meaning that it uses a block of pages per round and places it in the memory module b mod N, where N is the number of nodes used to run the application. Since this linear distribution can still lead to contention problems in some scientific applications, the skew-mapp and prime-mapp policies were introduced. These two allocation schemes perform a non-linear page placement over the machine’s memory modules, in order to reduce concurrent accesses directed to the same memory modules. The skew-mapp policy is a modification of the cyclic policy that has a liner page skew. It is able to skip a page for every N (number of nodes) pages allocated, resulting in a non-uniform distribution of pages across the memory modules of the distributed system. The prime-mapp memory policy uses a two-phase round-robin strategy to better distribute pages over a cluster machine. In the first phase, the policy places data using the cyclic policy in P nodes, where P is a number greater than or equal to N (number of nodes), and is equal to 3N/2. In the second phase, the memory pages previously placed in the virtual nodes are re-placed into the memory modules of the real nodes, also using the cyclic policy. In this way, the memory modules of the real nodes are not used in a uniform way to place memory pages.

The first-touch policy places data in the memory module of the node that first accesses it. Due to this characteristic, data initialization must be done with care so that data is first accessed by the process that is later on going to use it. That said, to achieve optimal performance running the argo_example under the first-touch memory policy, team process initialization instead of master process initialization should be used, as we will see below. The beg and end variables are calculated based on the id of each process, and define the chunk in data that each process will initialize.

int chunk = data_length / argo::number_of_nodes();
int beg = argo::node_id() * chunk;
int end = beg + chunk;
for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i)
	data[i] = i * 11 + 3;

The memory allocation policy can be selected through the environment variable ARGO_ALLOCATION_POLICY, which should be given a number from 0 to 4, starting from the default naive distribution and continuing with the cyclic, skew-mapp, prime-mapp, and first-touch policies, as shown in the table below. The page block size when utilizing one of the cyclic policies can be adjusted by setting ARGO_ALLOCATION_BLOCK_SIZE. In case the former environment variable is not specified, the naive distribution will be used and, in the case of the latter, a size of 16 will be selected, resulting in a granularity of 16*4KB=64KB.

When running under first-touch or under any of the cyclic policies with a small granularity, one may need to increase vm.max_map_count significantly above the default (65536). If you don’t know how to do this, contact your system administrator.

naive 0 (default) -
cyclic 1 16 (default)
skew-mapp 2 16 (default)
prime-mapp 3 16 (default)
first-touch 4 -

Remote Page Loading and Prefetching

When a memory access misses in the ArgoDSM cache, the missing page has to be loaded from a remote ArgoDSM node. Since remote operations are expensive in terms of latency, ArgoDSM attempts to reduce the amount of cache misses by fetching multiple contiguous pages on each remote load. This naïve type of prefetching uses a significantly reduced amount of remote operations per page fetched compared to loading pages one by one. The default number of pages fetched on each remote load is 8. If a specific application favours a different number of pages fetched on each remote load, this number can be set through the environment variable ARGO_LOAD_SIZE to any number greater than 1.

export ARGO_LOAD_SIZE=1		# Each remote load fetches one page
export ARGO_LOAD_SIZE=16	# Each remote load fetches up to 16 pages

By altering the load size to reflect the spatial locality found in each specific application, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of cache misses, and consequently the number of remote operations performed.

Write-buffer Tuning

ArgoDSM uses a write buffer on each node that keeps track of which cached pages are dirty and need to be written back upon synchronization. When attempting to add a page to an already full write buffer, dirty pages at the front of the write buffer are immediately written back to their home nodes before the new page is added to the write buffer.

The default size of the write buffer is 512 pages. This is a good start for most applications, but can be altered by setting the environment variable ARGO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE to the desired number.


The number of pages written back on attempting to add a new page to a full write buffer is by default 32. If an application consistently fills up the write buffer in between synchronization points, increasing this number may be beneficial. This can be done by setting the environment variable ARGO_WRITE_BUFFER_WRITE_BACK_SIZE to the desired number of pages.


Multi-threaded MPI Support

ArgoDSM now requires and utilizes multi-threaded MPI. Please ensure that your MPI installation supports MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE.

ArgoDSM uses multiple MPI windows in order to achieve parallelism between simultaneous MPI operations. Increased parallelism can be achieved by increasing the amount of MPI windows used, but creating too many windows incurs an initialization and finalization overhead. The number of MPI windows used can be controlled by setting the ARGO_MPI_WINDOWS_PER_NODE environment variable to the desired setting.


The default value of this environment variable is 4 when multiple ArgoDSM nodes are used, and 1 in a single node setting. Note that the total number of MPI windows created depends on the number of ArgoDSM nodes (MPI processes) for a total of ARGO_MPI_WINDOWS_PER_NODE*$NNODES*$NNODES*2 MPI windows created per node. Your system may impose a hard limit on the number of MPI windows created, and while the default value should be suitable for most systems, if you experience significant startup times or crashes during startup, consider lowering the number of MPI windows per node.

ArgoDSM Statistics

ArgoDSM prints basic statistics after shutting down in order to give the user an idea of how ArgoDSM behaves and to identify areas of improvement in ArgoDSM utilization and tuning. The detail of the statistics printed can be controlled by the ARGO_PRINT_STATISTICS environment variable as follows:


The different options available are detailed below.

Finally, it may be convenient to record statistics from a certain point in the user code, such as after data initialization. To achieve this, the ArgoDSM statistics can be reset by calling argo::backend::reset_stats().